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Our pharmacy
Our pharmacy

Our pharmacy

Unlike any typical drugstore, Mount Nittany Medical Center's in-house pharmacy specializes in providing all the medications our inpatients need, from simple ibuprofen for headaches to complex chemotherapy products for patients with cancer.

Our pharmacy maintains a complete inventory of medications necessary for patient treatment. Hospitalized patients do not need to bring their own supply of daily medications but should bring a list of those drugs with them, if possible.

Registered pharmacists work collaboratively with physicians to ensure that drug therapy is customized to each patient's needs. Pharmacists review and process physician medication orders through a computer system that assists in monitoring for potential drug-drug, drug-food and drug-diagnosis interactions. Drug information is provided to other healthcare professionals through use of an up-to-date library.

In the newly renovated east wing, pharmacists place patient medication in pass-through boxes, which only designated nurses can access. This helps ensure that the right medication gets to the right patient.

Additionally, Mount Nittany Medical Center pharmacists also prepare chemotherapeutic agents and sterile intravenous products. They manage patient therapy in an outpatient clinic.