If you have trouble hearing your doorbell or talking with your loved ones over the phone, it might be time to visit an audiologist.
Audiology services are provided by a licensed, certified doctor of audiology and include:
Audiologists use a number of different testing procedures to diagnose conditions. Referrals are not necessary for hearing services but are required for videonystagmography.
Videonystagmography (VNG)
VNG testing evaluates the acoustic nerve that connects the brain and the ears. This procedure is used to diagnose causes of dizziness and balance problems by recording eye movements using video goggles. Nerves in the ear are stimulated, using warm and cold water.
Otoacoustic emissions
Otoacoustic emissions are used to test infants or difficult-to-test patients and can even be performed while the patient is asleep. A tiny speaker and tiny microphone are inserted into the ear canal. Quiet tones test whether hairs in the cochlea are responsive; when functioning correctly, they generate minute sounds, detectable by the microphone.
Mount Nittany Physician Group offers a variety of hearing aid and ear protection solutions to meet your audiology needs, including: